Monday, May 2, 2016

Kevin's Life in Photos

Yesterday I updated Kevin's 25 week slideshow to show photos of his entire brief life with us.  I am finally beginning to come out of my fog after losing him but each day continues to be a struggle.  I thank God for the moments I had with Kevin and for answering my prayers to get to meet and hold him.


  1. My sister lost my nephew at 16 months the day after Christmas. The most amazing thing she ever said was that she thanked God He entrusted her with those 16 months and knew her strength could handle it. It was like an honor to her. Both Kevin and God are smiling upon you today because of the love you provided Kevin while he was alive and the love you show for him now. You are strong and amazing people. God Bless!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and support. I am incredibly sorry for your family's loss.

  2. I learned of your story through Matthew Berry's column. My wife and I lost one of our two twins at twenty weeks, and while it was the most difficult event of our lives it has brought us closer as a couple and, when our daughter was born, as a family. I cannot imagine the range of emotions felt, but every time I have passed your story along or read about Kevin here or in Berry's column I have been loved to tears. I hope for you and your family; for peace, love, and, eventually, no sorrow. I'd urge you to lean on your family and talk about Kevin; it may be awkward at times, but it heals the emotional wounds and provides a process of healing. I love your family without ever having met you. Please take care.

  3. Thank you for coming here and sharing your story. I am so sorry you had to edure such a painful loss also. Thank you for your beautiful words and your support.

  4. Thank you for coming here and sharing your story. I am so sorry you had to edure such a painful loss also. Thank you for your beautiful words and your support.
